Cowling body for SUZUKI GSX600FV(E2) V 1997
- Model GSX600FV(E2) V
- Name Katana
- Year 1997
- Engine capacity 600 cc
Name and number | Weight | Price | ||
1 |
COVER ASSY,COWLING,R Cover, cowl rh (black); 94401-43CL0-33J |
— | quote request | |
1 |
COVER ASSY,COWLING,R Cover, cowl rh (blue); 94401-43CL0-1LF |
— | quote request | |
1 |
COVER ASSY,COWLING,R Cover, cowl rh (yellow); 94401-43CL0-Z66 |
— | quote request | |
2 |
Tape, side upper rh For 33j 68685-21C10-G4B |
— | quote request | |
2 |
Tape,body cowli Tape, side upper rh For 1lf 68685-21C10-G4C |
— | quote request | |
2 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE UPR,R Tape, side upper rh For z66 68685-21C10-G4D |
— | quote request | |
3 |
Tape, side lower rh For 33j 68686-21C20-G3U |
— | quote request | |
3 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE LWR,R Tape, side lower rh For 1lf 68686-21C20-G3V |
— | quote request | |
3 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE LWR,R Tape, side lower rh For z66 68686-21C20-G3W |
— | quote request | |
4 |
Эмблема боковая For 33j 68681-21C50-G3Y |
— | quote request | |
4 |
Эмблема боковая For 1lf 68681-21C50-G3Z |
— | quote request | |
4 |
Эмблема боковая For z66 68681-21C50-G4A |
— | quote request | |
5 |
COVER,COWLING METER SIDE,R Cover, meter rh (black) Cover, meter rh (black); 94433-19C01-33J |
— | quote request | |
5 |
COVER,METER SIDE,R Cover, meter rh (blue) Cover, meter rh (blue); 94433-19C01-1LF |
— | quote request | |
5 |
COVER,METER SIDE,R Cover, meter rh (yellow) Cover, meter rh (yellow); 94433-19C01-Z66 |
— | quote request | |
6 |
Болт 03541-04103-000 |
— | part number changed | |
Болт 03541-0410A-000 |
0.01 kg |
US$0.37€0.35 |
7 |
LID,OIL Lid, oil (black) Lid, oil (black); 94435-19C01-33J |
0.03 kg |
US$25.15€24.05 |
7 |
LID,OIL Lid, oil (blue) Lid, oil (blue); 94435-19C01-1LF |
— | quote request | |
7 |
LID,OIL Lid, oil (yellow) Lid, oil (yellow); 94435-19C01-Z66 |
— | quote request | |
8 |
Винт (6X16) Screw (6x16) Screw; 09139-06030-000 |
0.005 kg |
US$0.87€0.84 |
9 |
MOLD,COWLING Molding Molding, front; L:1000->00 94631-49310-000 |
0.12 kg | out of production | |
10 |
MOLDING Molding, breather tube Molding, rear; 94635-19C00-000 |
0.025 kg |
US$4.37€4.18 |
11 |
JOINT,MOLDING END 94438-19C00-000 |
— |
US$4.23€4.04 |
12 |
COVER ASSY,COWLING,L Cover, cowl lh (black); 94402-43CL0-33J |
— | quote request | |
12 |
Cover, cowl lh (blue) Cover, cowl lh (blue); 94402-43CL0-1LF |
— | quote request | |
12 |
COVER ASSY,COWLING,L Cover, cowl lh (yellow); 94402-43CL0-Z66 |
— | quote request | |
13 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE UPR,L For 33j 68695-21C10-G4B |
— | quote request | |
13 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE UPR,L Tape, side upper lh For 1lf 68695-21C10-G4C |
— | quote request | |
13 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE UPR,L Tape, side upper lh For z66 68695-21C10-G4D |
— | quote request | |
14 |
TAPE,BODY COWL SIDE LWR,L For 33j 68696-21C20-G3U |
— | quote request | |
14 |
TAPE,BODY COWL Tape, side lower lh For 1lf 68696-21C20-G3V |
— | quote request | |
14 |
Tape,body cow u Tape, side lower lh For z66 68696-21C20-G3W |
— | quote request | |
15 |
Эмблема боковая For 33j 68681-21C50-G3Y |
— | quote request | |
15 |
Эмблема боковая For 1lf 68681-21C50-G3Z |
— | quote request | |
15 |
Эмблема боковая For z66 68681-21C50-G4A |
— | quote request | |
16 |
COVER,COWLING METER SIDE,L Cover, meter lh (black) Cover, meter lh (black); 94443-19C01-33J |
— | quote request | |
16 |
COVER,METER SIDE,L Cover, meter lh (blue) Cover, meter lh (blue); 94443-19C01-1LF |
— | quote request | |
16 |
COVER,METER SIDE,L Cover, meter lh (yellow) Cover, meter lh (yellow); 94443-19C01-Z66 |
— | quote request | |
17 |
Болт 03541-04103-000 |
— | part number changed | |
Болт 03541-0410A-000 |
0.01 kg |
US$0.37€0.35 |
18 |
MOLD,COWLING Molding Molding, front; L:1000->00 94631-49310-000 |
0.12 kg | out of production | |
19 |
MOLDING Molding, breather tube Molding, rear; 94635-19C00-000 |
0.025 kg |
US$4.37€4.18 |
20 |
JOINT,MOLDING END 94438-19C00-000 |
— |
US$4.23€4.04 |
21 |
COVER,METER 94420-19C02-000 |
— |
US$688.24€657.99 |
22 |
MOLDING Molding, breather tube 94635-19C00-000 |
0.025 kg |
US$4.37€4.18 |
23 |
PANEL,COWLING CTR Panel, center (black) Panel, center (black); 94421-19C01-33J |
— |
US$29.16€27.87 |
23 |
PANEL,COWLING CTR Panel, center (blue) Panel, center (blue); 94421-19C01-1LF |
— | quote request | |
23 |
PANEL,COWLING CTR Panel, center (yellow) Panel, center (yellow); 94421-19C01-Z66 |
— | quote request | |
24 |
WINDOW,COWLING Screen, window Window, cowling; 94610-19C60-000 |
— | quote request | |
25 |
MOLDING,WINDSCREEN L:800->00 94631-18D01-000 |
0.02 kg |
US$4.52€4.32 |
26 |
COVER,COWLING UNDER,R Cover, under rh (red); For 33j 94471-19C00-Y0R |
— | quote request | |
26 |
Cover,cowling u Cover, under rh (gray) Cover, under rh (gray); For 1lf 94471-19C00-17U |
— | part number changed | |
Cover,cowling u 94471-19C00-13L |
— |
US$137.04€131.01 |
26 |
Cover,cowl. und Cover, under rh (charcoal) Cover, under rh (charcoal); For z66 94471-19C00-35W |
— | quote request | |
27 |
COVER,COWLING UNDER,L Cover, under lh (red); For 33j 94481-19C00-Y0R |
— | quote request | |
27 |
COVER,COWLING UNDER,L Cover, under lh (gray) Cover, under lh (gray); For 1lf 94481-19C00-17U |
— | quote request | |
27 |
Cover,cowl. und Cover, under lh (charcoal) Cover, under lh (charcoal); For z66 94481-19C00-35W |
— | quote request | |
28 |
Валик Cushion, inlet 94475-48B10-000 |
— | part number changed | |
Валик 94915-44E00-000 |
0.03 kg |
US$2.48€2.38 |
29 |
COVER,COWLING UNDER FR Cover, under,front (black) Cover, under front; 94475-19C01-000 |
— | out of production |